Cancer 101…….

70 – 90% of all diagnosed cancers in the US are –not– an “its genetic” situation.

To “get cancer”, the following —has to— happen very early on in the process that follows initial damage to DNA that precedes cancer cell growth and spread……
1 — Cell must lose ability to repair damaged DNA
2 — cell must lose ability to commit suicide once damaged DNA is detected
3 — normal functioning immune system must lose ability to kill cancer cells at a rate that exceeds cancer cell production
4 — this situation must persist for years or decades

The point of posting this information is that in the context of prevention and cure……
1 — one can prevent the loss of and/or restore a cell’s ability to repair damaged DNA
2 — one can prevent the loss of and/or restore a cell’s ability to commit suicide
3 — one can prevent the loss of and/or restore the immune systems ability to kill cancer cells at a rate that exceeds cancer cell production
4 — one can prevent the loss of and/or restore this situation to persist for years or decades

Most importantly, if you get cancer its unlikely that you’ll be told any of this or offered a treatment that takes this approach.

A math equation.
— long term rate of cancer cell destruction exceeds the rate of cancer cell production and proliferation = you live
— long term rate of cancer cell production and proliferation exceeds the rate of cancer cell destruction = you die

Worth paying attention to what happens after cancer treatment.
Note the sentence…..”good news, you’re cancer free, see ya and have a good life”.

This is how re-occurence takes place, therefore, please set aside the desire to proclaim yourself as “cancer free”.

Instead, engage in a discussion about how did these cells fail to kill themselves the way they’re supposed to. Why didn’t the immune system kill them off the way it’s supposed to. What can be done to help cellular function so that cell suicide occurs the way its supposed to.
What can be done to help the immune system prevent a “next time”.

That’s why the conversation should not end after the good news is delivered. That should mark the beginning of the conversation, not the end.

Returning to your life, business as usual without identifying and changing –something– is for all practical purposes a death wish.