Nutrition Medicine = food and/or supplements as medicine
fish oil in mothers -vs- asthma in babies…..
“Reduced intake of n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids may be a contributing factor to the increasing prevalence of wheezing disorders. We assessed the effect of supplementation with n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnant women on the risk of persistent wheeze and asthma in their offspring.”
“We randomly assigned 736 pregnant women at 24 weeks of gestation to receive 2.4g of n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish oil) or placebo (olive oil) per day.”
“A total of 695 children were included in the trial, and 95.5% completed the 3-year, double-blind follow-up period.”
“The risk of persistent wheeze or asthma in the treatment group was 16.9%, versus 23.7% in the control group, corresponding to a relative reduction of 30.7%.”
“…..supplementation with n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids was associated with a reduced risk of infections of the lower respiratory tract….”
“Supplementation with n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the third trimester of pregnancy reduced the absolute risk of persistent wheeze or asthma and infections of the lower respiratory tract in offspring by approximately 7 percentage points, or one third.”
H.Bisgaard, et al
Fish Oil–Derived Fatty Acids in Pregnancy and Wheeze and Asthma in Offspring
New England Journal Of Medicine — Volume 375 #26 — December 29, 2016 — page 2530