Help your athletes avoid getting sick by avoiding group think.

Group think. When you’re out and about, count the number of sinks and soap dispensers next to the door handle of your office building, school classroom, or college class building that 20 to 500 people have touched so far today. How many are located next to the elevator button or auto-door button you just touched that were previously touched by 50 to 300 people so far today. How many sinks and soap dispensers are located next to that person you just shook hands with.

Group think. You’re watching that dude in the bathroom wash his hands like he’s scrubbing for surgery. But what’s this. On his way out he sneezed into his hand, then grabbed the door handle to pull it open and leave. Hmmm, those 10 guys that left after him grabbed that handle. Now they’re using that hand to rub their nose or put french fries in their mouth.

Stepping out of group think and into critical thinking.
Cold and flu viruses don’t get into your body unless –you– put them there. The adhesion molecules that viruses and bacteria use to cling to your hands can be overcome by wiping your hands on your clothes. Since the answer to the questions asked at the beginning of this post is zero [0], the assumption is that you are wearing clothes and thus you don’t need a sink and soap dispenser to be located next to everything you touch.

Group think. That anti-bacteria liquid-gel dispenser in the hallway or next to the door in you office building or school. Are you certain that stuff works? Or is it just another thing that protein pumps or something else along the membrane of a virus or bacteria will adjust to over time, further contributing to the “super bug” phenomena.
And cleaning the common surfaces at home. Are you sure that anti-bacterial spray stuff you got at the grocery store is more lethal to viruses and bacteria than a basic spray bottle into which you put water, baking soda, and salt, with no super-bug producing after-effect.

Viruses don’t get into your body unless –you– put them there.
—– program into your brain a deeply ingrained habit to wipe your hands off on your clothes after you touch common surfaces when you’re out and about, after you’re done with the grocery cart, after you shake hands with somebody, after you push open the door to –leave– the public bathroom, office building, college dorm, etc, etc, etc..

—– program into your brain a deeply ingrained habit to wipe your hands off on your clothes before you use them to rub or touch your eyes―nose–mouth.

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