2016 study by U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs.
Based on 55 million veterans records, 1979 to 2014.
Avg 20 suicides/day = 7300/year = over 250,000 in 35 years.

“The evidence base for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression…..cognitive behavioral therapy as having the strongest research base for effectiveness….”
G.Whitefield, et al
The evidence base for cognitive–behavioural therapy in depression: delivery in busy clinical settings
Advances in Psychiatric Treatment….Volume 9….2003…..page 21 – 30


“Studies have shown that cognitive therapy is as efficacious as antidepressant medications at treating depression, and it seems to reduce the risk of relapse even after its discontinuation.”
Cognitive therapy vs. medications for depression: Treatment outcomes and neural mechanisms
Nature Reviews Neuroscience…..Volume 9 #10….October 2008….page 788 – 796


[Journal Of The American Medical Association Sept 27, 2016]
“A simple type of psychotherapy known as behavioral activation is not inferior to the gold-standard cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing depression symptoms, found one of the largest trials of psychological treatment for depression to date. The authors also note that there may be a health care cost advantage to behavioral activation because it can be delivered by mental health workers with no formal training in psychological therapies.


“Many studies have confirmed the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment for depression.’
“…..the more individuals improved their problem-solving appraisal, the more their depression decreased.”
“….it was discovered that the poorer individuals’ problem-solving appraisal before the cognitive behavioral therapy, the more improvement they had on depression and problem solving appraisal after the cognitive behavioral therapy.”
“In sum, findings suggested that problem-solving appraisal might play an important part in cognitive behavioral therapy for depression reduction…..”
Szu.Y.Chen et al
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Depression: The Role of Problem-Solving Appraisal
Research on Social Work Practice……Volume 16 #5……September 2006…..page 500 – 510


“Cognitive rehabilitation has shown efficacy in improving cognition in patients with schizophrenia….”
“…..examine differential changes in brain morphology in early course schizophrenia during cognitive rehabilitation vs supportive therapy”
“….2-year trial with annual structural magnetic resonance imaging and cognitive assessments.”
“Patients who received cognitive enhancement therapy demonstrated significantly greater preservation of gray matter volume over 2 years in the left hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and fusiform gyrus, and significantly greater gray matter increases in the left amygdala….”
“Less gray matter loss…..significantly related to improved cognition and mediated the beneficial cognitive effects of cognitive enhancement therapy.”
“Cognitive enhancement therapy may offer neurobiologic protective and enhancing effects in early schizophrenia that are associated with improved long-term cognitive outcomes.”
S.M.Eack, et al
Neuroprotective effects of cognitive enhancement therapy against gray matter loss in early schizophrenia: results from a 2-year randomized controlled trial
Archives Of General Psychiatry…..Volume 67 #7……May 2010…..page 674 – 682


cognitive behavioral therapy -vs- tinnitus……
“Tinnitus has a substantially negative impact on quality of life in up to 5% of the general population. Internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment has been shown to be effective in a few trials.”
“Patients with severe tinnitus-related distress were randomly assigned to therapist-guided internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment or to a moderated online discussion forum.”
“Using a randomized controlled trial design, we replicated prior findings regarding positive effects of internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment on tinnitus-related distress and associated symptoms. Implementing internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment for tinnitus into regular health care will be an important next step to increase access to treatment for patients with tinnitus.”
C. Weise-Kleinstäuber
Internet-Delivered Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Tinnitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Psychosomatic Medicine — Volume 78 #4 — May 2016


“The epidemic co-occurrence of chronic pain and opioid use has resulted in an expensive ($635 billion per year) and deadly (72,000 overdose deaths per year) problem in the United States.”
“Many individual studies and meta-analyses have demonstrated the efficacy of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for chronic pain and substance use disorders.”
“Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help alleviate suffering for patients who have chronic pain and use opioids with the hope of getting relief. The Cognitive Behavior Therapy therapist uses many strategies.”

by Allen R. Miller, Ph.D., MBA
Chronic Pain and Opioid Use: The Important Role of CBT Therapists