Depending on your choice of crust and toppings, pizza contains a very high nutrient density of protein, minerals, essential fatty acids, and carbohydrates.
Pizza is one of my 2 primary nutrient sources on my run training days.
Workout-induced gene transcription and translation are on their greatest rise and sustained levels during the 12 hour period following a workout.
An “Austin Pizza” restaurant is located about 400m down the street. Most of the nutrients are in the toppings not the crust, so extremely thin, whole wheat crust. Of the toppings, many if not most of the micro-nutrients are in the mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce.
Tomato sauce contains the powerful anti-oxidant, lycopene.
I order extra mushrooms [white mushrooms] which contain anti-oxidants and other plant based nutrients.
Essential amino acids from the protein sources….beef, sausage, pepperoni.
Modern day sport nutrition is no longer about “carbo loading” or protein bars and powders, or “sport drinks”.
Some principles that we know thus far……
Just as it is best to design a training program that repeatedly delivers a set in stone [a.k.a. standardized] training stimulus to the cells of the body, thus empowering you to deliver a relatively controllable forward movement in fitness without plateau or other artificial limitation…..likewise it is best to provide a standardized supply of nutrients following the delivery of training stimuli.
Long term, you’ll stick with things that are easy to implement. Therefore, sit down at a table and do the math –once– on the amount of nutrients required on your training day in protein, micronutrients, and carbos so you can thereafter, mindlessly follow a set scripted menu on workout day and the 24 to 48 hour period after it.
By standardizing a menu you guarantee the absence of a situation where nutrient consumption is sufficient on one training day but not on the next one.
If its always the same, you know with certainty what you’re getting one day versus another. It doesn’t change, thusly it can’t get screwed up.
Protein is very important. Avoid under estimations, as insufficient protein intake following a workout creates a situation where you’ve delivered the training stimulus, your cells have copied the necessary genes [a.k.a. blue prints] and sent those copies to the builder of cell proteins [ribosomes]….but the builders aren’t given the building materials in adequate amounts for them to do their job.
If you fail to supply the building materials, stuff doesn’t get built.
Put another way, you worked hard during the workout, now you’re -not- gonna get out of it what you should get out of it. Repeat this with each workout over a period of months and years and it’ll take you extra weeks, months, or years to get to the fitness level you could have arrived at weeks, months, or years earlier.

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