Preventing the spread into you…..
For viruses such as the one that produces a common cold, in order to “catch a cold”, a virus must enter the body, usually through the eyes, nose, or mouth. This occurs most often when someone who has a cold, sneezes or wipes/blows their nose. The cold virus gets out of their body in this way, often onto their hands.
Assuming they don’t wash their hands or wipe them off onto their clothing, towel, etc,. they then touch door knobs, hand rails on stairs, and other objects that may be common for other people to touch within a few minutes to a few hours later.
If –you– then come along and touch one of those objects, the virus then gets onto you, often onto your hands. All that is necessary at this point is for you to use your hands to rub your eyes―nose–mouth without….first….having wiped them off on your clothes, towel, etc, and/or without having washed your hands.
Once the virus makes its way into your body, it often finds its way into the mucus area of your nose, and/or upper portion of your throat. In these places, though it will come under attack by your immune system, it will make a major effort to replicate and proliferate.
Keep in mind that these viruses usually don’t get into your body unless –you– put them there.
Prevent yourself from putting them into your body. The adhesion molecules that viruses and bacteria use to cling to your hands can be overcome by wiping your hands on your clothes.
—– Program into your brain a deeply ingrained habit to wipe your hands off on your clothes before you use them to rub or touch your eyes―nose–mouth, door handles, stair-rails, etc, etc, etc.
If you have a virus you can prevent transmission by sneezing, coughing into your elbow rather your hand. And you can wipe your hands on your clothes prior to touching stuff or people when out and about in public.
Avoid group think…..
There isn’t a sink and soap dispenser next to everything you touch and every handshake you engage in. Some dude in the bathroom washes his hands like he’s scrubbing for surgery. On his way out he sneezes into his hand prior to grabbing the door handle to leave. The 10 guys after him grab that handle.
Avoid group think….That anti-bacteria liquid-gel dispenser in the hallway, yet another thing that pumps stuff along the membrane of a virus or bacteria that they will adjust to over time, further contributing to the “super bug” phenomena.
Anti-bacteria cleaning surfaces at home….try a spray bottle, water, baking soda, and salt, with no super-bug producing after-effect.