TheETG website stats for first quarter of 2019 [Jan, Feb, March]. Website = 14 pages. Downloadable-printable pdf “Packets” on 3 pages. Numbers rounded down…… Visitors to TheETG website = 5100 Visitors viewed 2 or more pages. Average number of...

The quackery of traditional medicine…..[U.S. Justice Department, December 21 2018]”Of the $2.8 billion in settlements and judgments recovered by the Department of Justice this past fiscal year, $2.5 billion involved the health care industry, including drug...

Spring break is upon us. Folks heading to the beaches. Skin, underarm, scalp, hair…..absorb the chemicals contained in whatever you put on them. Lotions, antiperspirants, shampoos, conditioners, sun screens. Better head to the healthnut store for those. If you...