Program the brain. Implement the process of purposefully programming yourself with the beliefs, philosophy, values and self-image you want guiding your behavior patterns and determining your quality of life. The programming tools….affirmations, visualizations,...

“Teach guys they can be better men.””Teach women there are better men.”– nearly 80% of women report they are verbally abused by a partner.– individuals with a history of physical violence against their partners are 13 times more...

TheETG Sport Nutrition Modern day sport nutrition is no longer about “carbo loading” or protein bars and powders, or “sport drinks”. We know a little more these days. We’re living in an era where each year as a species we’re...

Slower aging 101…….. Take a few minutes on several days each week to be still. Autogenic Relaxation [10 minutes]. Reduces brain and peripheral nervous system activity, reduce stress hormone [cortisol] levels and/or effects, increase blood flow and...

“Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.” [Francis Bacon] “In God we trust…Everyone else must bring data.” [W.Edwards Deming] The functioning of brain cells, muscle cells, blood cells, -all cells- are governed by the laws of nature, -not- your chosen belief...