Nutrition medicine = food and/or supplements as medicine. $3……The big 4, chopped, put in a bowl together. Eaten as a meal by itself. Fat source added to aid absorption of fat soluble nutrients. $3 to consume the 4 that collectively are a stimulus for gene...

TheETG end of year website stats. Site has 14 pages, 3 have pdf packets. [33 self-care, 17 training, 6 research notes]. Total views of pdf packets [numbers rounded down] 2018 —– 6600 2017 —– 6600 2016 —– 4700 2015 —–...

migraines -vs- fish oil, meditation, autogenic relaxation………. “Research supports the general benefits of mind/body interventions for migraines….” “…..randomized controlled trial with 19 episodic migraineurs randomized to...

Major Mechanisms of a Functional Romantic Relationship 1. Stability, Security, Expectations……Commitment is a verb, reflected in one’s —–planned and purposeful actions—– to create……stability, secure attachment, and emotional...

Sarcopenia = loss of muscle mass Sarcopenia and low protein intake are the leading combination of causes of decline and death in the elderly. The beginning of the end. Strength train –throughout– your life!!! “……muscle mass...