[Journal of the American Medical Association]……
“When used for a prolonged time, pharmacologic treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were linked with an in-creased risk of cardiovascular disease—specifically hypertension and arterial disease—in a case-control study.”
“The study included patients in Sweden aged 6 to 64 years who had an ADHD diagnosis or medication prescription.”
“The type of medication mattered when it came to the long-term risk: the risk was higher for stimulants methylphenidate and lisdexamfeta-mine….”
“Clinicians should be vigilant in monitoring patients, particularly among those receiving higher doses, and consistently assess signs and symptoms of [cardiovascular disease] throughout the course of treatment,” the authors wrote in JAMA Psychiatry.
“Monitoring becomes even more crucial considering the increasing number of individuals engaging in long-term use of ADHD medication.”
Long-Term ADHD Medications and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Journal of the American Medical Association — Volume 330 #24 — December 26, 2023 — pg 2331