“…..the close connection between leading psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry, once a sign of progress for the profession, is now cited as evidence of corrupt influence.”

“…..do financial payments to academic leaders influence clinical practice guidelines?……reviewing the 20 work group members who authored the American Psychiatric Association guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, reported that 90% had financial ties to industry……None were disclosed.”

“A review of 192 authors of 44 clinical practice guidelines for multiple common adult diseases found 87% with some form of industry involvement, and in only 2 cases were disclosures included.”

“…..what is clear is that current pharmaceutical industry investment in academic psychiatry is prevalent.”


Psychiatrists’ Relationships With Pharmaceutical Companies: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

The Journal of the American Medical Association……Volume 303 #12…..March 24/31, 2010…..page 1192 – 1193