The 4 vegetables [broccoli, cucumber, carrot, tomato] that provide high levels of micro-nutrients and anti-oxidants…..perhaps more importantly, when combined with one another provide relatively high levels of gene activating phyto-chemicals, anti-oxidants, and micro-nutrients….as well as being well established alkalizing foods.
To increase delivery of fat soluble substances contained in these vegetables I add a source of fat via Australian macnut oil poured on top of the vegetables.
Contains minerals and essential fats.
Chopping each of the vegetables [in addition to chewing] carries the purpose of physically activating substances in these vegetables that are in an inactive form. I add grapes to the mixed vegetables for an additional flavor and nutrients.
The mix of these 4 vegetables in particular are where the money is in this area of sport nutrition, as well as general health nutrition for the non-athlete American.
“When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it’s because different bioactive compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways…”
[John Erdman, Professor of Food Science, University of Illinois]
Green leaf vegetables contain substances called iso-thio-cya-nates. Green leaf vegetables contain one of the most important isothiocyanates, called Sul-for a-phane.
These substances can activate specific genes in our cells. Those specific genes are for anti-oxidant enzymes and detoxifying enzymes, most of them referred to collectively as Phase 2 enzymes. The substance has the ability to bind to the promoter area of anti-oxidant genes, causing production of anti-oxidant and detoxifying enzymes. This is believed to be among the main mechanisms by which certain vegetables have the ability to prevent cancer and heart disease. Aside from supplying anti-oxidants in the vegetables themselves they have this ability to cause cells in our body to produce other anti-oxidants as well.
“Sulforaphane, one of the most important isothiocyanates in the human diet, present in cruciferous vegetables, is known to have chemopreventive activities in different tissues.”

“The observed Sulforaphane-induced upregulation of phase II enzymes was accompanied by a significant increase in nuclear erythroid 2 p45-related factor 2 expression and correlated with a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity…..”

M.Malaguti, et al
Sulforaphane treatment protects skeletal muscle against damage induced by exhaustive exercise in rats
Journal Of Applied Physiology…….Volume 107……August 2009……page1028