Been in the 100’s or high 90’s for the last several weeks in Texas. Parts of Arizona have been up around 115.
Will be around 110 today here in Austin.

The point being that the nightly hoopla on the national evening news about new virus cases in Texas and Arizona tend to suggest that the warmer months, the hot temps haven’t made the virus go away. So those of you that have been counting on that can stop.
The folks sprinting to the TV cameras, seizing advantage of gullible reporters to yap about their 2 person clinical trial on the latest miracle drug or miracle vaccine are only looking to drive investment or grant funding. So those of you that have been counting on that can stop. You’ll notice that these folks, during non-virus normal times, are usually sequestered to CNBC. These days everybody points the TV camera at anybody waving their arms yelping, look at me.
Yes its the 21rst century but the only way we’re gonna get out of the virus situation is the old school method of masks and separation.
Those of you with college age adult children are gonna have to be uncool and ask them to stop being a college age kid for a few weeks. In many places around the country the big numbers are because of your kids and/or their friends. Bite the bullet, ask them to stop.
Those of you who’s politics leans to the right are gonna have to set that aside for a few weeks. Pandering to you is what resulted in the “opening too soon” stuff. And you’re gonna have to stop walking into stores, etc that you don’t own, instructing owners and managers on how things are gonna go with you and the mask requirement. You can stop that now.
Those of you who’s politics lean to the left and those of you who suffer from anxiety during normal, non-virus times, please stop jamming my facebook news feed with videos showing grown adults how to wash their hands. Please stop jamming my news feed with memes saying I wear a mask for you, you for me, yada, yada. Its ok to stop.
Just gotta wear a mask when out and about around other folks…..and we need a bunch of us, all at the same time, to separate for a few virus incubation periods.
If most of us do it all at the same time, that’s only a few weeks.
That’s not asking too much.
We don’t need everybody to do it, we just need enough of us.
That’s not asking too much.