[from the free pdf packet titled “ETG info: Drug use and Drug Testing a sham and a scam” located on the Training Packets page of the TheETG website]

“In the present study, we investigated the effects of the anabolic androgenic steroid nandrolone decanoate administration during a strength exercise program on cell proliferation, apoptotic status and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression…..”

“…..the present findings suggest that the beneficial effects of strength exercise on hippocampal cell proliferation and apoptotic signaling are impaired by nandrolone decanoate.”

F.GuimarĂ£es, et al —–The beneficial effects of strength exercise on hippocampal cell proliferation and apoptotic signaling is impaired by anabolic androgenic steroids —– Psychoneuroendocrinology…..Volume 50….December 2014


“The evidence that supraphysiological doses of anabolic androgenic steroids cause neurotrophic unbalance……anabolic androgenic steroids abuse in humans may affect mechanisms that lie at the core of neuronal plasticity.”

S.Pieretti, et al —– Brain Nerve Growth Factor Unbalance Induced by Anabolic Androgenic Steroids in Rat —– Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise……Volume 45 #1….January 2013…page 29 – 35