“In patients with adrenal insufficiency a higher hydrocortisone intake has been associated with more impairment in quality of life.”

“Irrespective of age, sex and severity of adrenal insufficiency the dosage of hydrocortisone is titrated around 20 mg/D in all patients with adrenal insufficiency based on physical and mental signs and symptoms.”

“This study aimed to explore whether quality of life in patients with adrenal insufficiency is associated with hair cortisol and daily hydrocortisone intake. We performed a cross-sectional study in 120 patients with adrenal insufficiency on stable hydrocortisone replacement, in whom hair samples and quality of life data were collected.”

“The present study showed that patients with adrenal insufficiency report several impairments in quality of life which are associated with hydrocortisone intake, and to a lesser extent reflected by chronic systemic cortisol exposure as measured by hair cortisol.”

C.D. Andela, et al
Quality of life in patients with adrenal insufficiency correlates stronger with hydrocortisone dosage, than with long-term systemic cortisol levels
Psychoneuroendocrinology — Volume 72 — October 2016 — page 80