Nutrition Medicine 101
“…….double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial of nutritional
supplements on 231 young adult prisoners, comparing disciplinary
offences before and during supplementation.”

“Compared with placebos, those receiving the active capsules
committed an average of 26.3% fewer offences.”

“Compared to baseline, the effect on those taking active
supplements for a minimum of 2 weeks was an average 35.1%
reduction of offences.”

“Antisocial behaviour in prisons, including violence, are reduced by
vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids with similar implications
for those eating poor diets in the community.”

C.B.Gesch, et al
Influence of supplementary vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids on the antisocial behaviour of young adult prisoners Randomised, placebo-controlled trial
The British Journal of Psychiatry…..Volume 181…..2002… 22 – 28