Sunset meditation and evening walk along the Colorado river that bisects downtown Austin. Sunset meditation and evening walk along the Colorado river that bisects downtown Austin. Production of brain neurotrophins, neuropeptides, immune system cells, etc, etc. ....

Facebook friends research scientist Rhonda Patrick and husband Daniel in San Diego, Calfornia own the “Found My Fitness” website. Via their website they proliferate free, empowering research information in nutrition medicine and health via video of...

TheETG menu’s 4 vegetables; Broccoli, cucumber, carrot, Romano tomato To increase delivery of fat soluble substances contained in these vegetables I add a source of fat via Australian macnut oil poured on top of the vegetables. Contains minerals and essential...

“…..impact of local muscle heating and cooling on myogenic and proteolytic gene responses following resistance exercise.” “Recreationally trained males (n = 12), age 25.3 ± 1.5, % body fat 13.6 ± 1.92, completed four sets of 8–12 repetitions of unilateral leg...

[Today, by Beah Richards] Today is ours Let’s live it Love is strong Let’s give it   A song can help Let’s sing it Peace is dear Let’s bring it The past is gone Don’t rue it Our work is here Lets do it Our world is wrong Let’s right it The battle hard Let’s fight...