“People are either a wind in your sail or an anchor on your tail”

Was first introduced to this in my early 20’s.
Was in a self-help type of book my dad gave me during an era when I was getting pretty hardcore about the concept of creating the environment around you.
Creating your own support group.
The importance of moving away from people that screw it up. Limiting your exposure to them or getting them outta your space entirely.

“People are either a wind in your sail or an anchor on your tail”

Today I view this more in the context of self-worth.
Give enough of a damn about yourself to care about who you hang with. Who is around you most, either enriching or screwing-up your environment.

Having a job typically comes with being around people, but that doesn’t cut your choice of whether certain people are let into who you are and what you’re about. No one gets into your support group without your permission.

That area comes down to a matter of how accountable are you willing to be to yourself. Which as previously stated, is a matter of self-worth.

When you elevate and embrace rather than diminish or reject your value, your tolerance for poison and bullshit is lowered.

“People are either a wind in your sail or an anchor on your tail”