“Data from the World Mental Health Surveys were accessed. This data was collected from general population surveys over 17 countries of 87,250 adults.” “A weighted subsample (n = 45,288), was used for analysis in the present study.” ....

“Mindfulness meditation training has been shown to be an effective stress reduction strategy, but less is known about its immunoregulatory impact. In a randomized controlled trial of stressed customer service workers, the present study tested whether a 30-day...

“Exposure to chronic adverse conditions, and the resultant activation of the neurobiological response cascade, has been associated with an increased risk of early onset of age-related disease and, recently, with an older biological age.” . “This body...

“A higher sense of purpose in life has been linked with reduced risk of age-related chronic health conditions that share elevated inflammation as a key risk factor (e.g., neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, and diabetes).” . “While prior...

“…..coping strategies used by elite athletes in response to emotional abuse experienced within the coach-athlete relationship. The athletes in this study adopted emotion- and avoidance-focused coping strategies to manage their feelings in the moment that...

sport psychology……. “Unpleasant physical sensations during maximal exercise may manifest themselves as negative cognitions that impair performance, alter pacing, and are linked to increased rating of perceived exertion. This study examined whether...